So Halloween has come and gone :( which is bitter sweet for me. I am sad that Halloween is over but it just means that Christmas is right around the corner :) A lot has happened so here goes:
Halloween/Pumpkin Patch
My neighbor De was kind enough to go with us the the pumpkin patch to take pictures of the us and the girls. The pictures turned out great for how quickly we were there. The girls were hot and didn't think this was mom and dad's best idea.
Jax on the left and Kai on the right |
Jaxyn |
Kairyn loving this! |
Jaxyn not loving it so much |
On Halloween night we got together with the neighbors at our house and grilled hamburgers and handed out candy to all the little spooks. The girls were a cop and a doctor. Also, their bff neighbor, Paisley was a little piggie...too cute!! It was a lot of fun! Maybe next year we'll get the chance to take the girls trick or treating.
Paisley |
Hanna and De |
Vanessa (De and Hanna's mom) Hanna, De, and me |
Hanna, her husband Andy, and Paisley |
The cop (Kairyn) |
The doctor (Jaxyn) |
What's going on with the girls?
The girls are about to be 4 months old!! Wow so big already! They are growing up and doing so well! Since they are more aware of their surroundings we are having so much fun with them. They think we (actually just daddy) are the funniest people they have ever met. Here is a video of Michael and Jaxyn:
They are sleeping through the night!!! Never thought I would type those words. They get 3 naps during the day and two cereal bottles (one in the morning and one before bed time) and they sleep from 9:30/10ish to 6:30/7ish. In order to get to this point we did have to do the "cry it out" thing for a couple of nights. It was not a fun time for anyone, but we knew it needed to be done. Amber (our friend with identical twin girls) helped me out a lot with this. She also informed me that just when you think you have everything under control the girls will change again. Sooo we are not breathing a sigh of relief yet. We know there are many more obstacles and great times right around the corner. They have not rolled over yet, but any day now... They are able to hold their heads up for a long time and Jax wants to crawl and go places :)
Kai on left and Jax on right |
I can't say enough how wonderful it is to have Kai and Jax in our life. Michael and I have no idea what we would do without their toothless smiles every morning. They have shown us what it means to love unconditionally.
holding hands..They love each other |
such big girls :) |
Kai and Jax got baptized!!
On November 5, 2011 the girls were baptized! It was such a special time for all of us. Family came from all over to join in the joyous occasion and it could not have been more wonderful! It was so great to have all of the people that have played such a huge role in us growing in our faith show their support for Kairyn and Jaxyn taking their first walk with Christ. After the ceremony we came back to our house to continue the celebration. Kairyn and Jaxyn met Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Motl for the first time. Precious moments :) Kendl and Brian were so proud to stand up with the girls as their Godparents. Warms my heart to be so blessed with all these wonderful memories. Thank you Alan for taking pictures (I have been so bad about remembering my camera). Also, for future reference, if any one happens to catch some great memories on camera please share them with us so I can add them to the blog.
Kairyn |
Jaxyn |
Jaxyn thinks her daddy is the funniest |
proud dad |
Godparents Brian and Kendl Leatherwood |
Not sure why this is sideways..had to add it bc its the only one with Father Tony |
Jax |
Kai |
Aunt Mary and Jaxyn maybe? |
Kairyn, Great Grandma Motl, and Aunt Yvonne |
Kai and Aunt Am |
Grandpa Alan and Jaxyn? |
Great Grandpa and Kairyn and Great Grandma and Jaxyn |
love this |
and special |
side note: Kairyn and Jaxyn were baptized with a little water from the river Jordan :) pretty cool huh?
Whats going on with mom and dad?
We have really been enjoying the extra sleep we are getting, that's for sure...Aside from that we have been really busy getting everything ready for all these special events and even got to spend a weekend with our favorites, Kendl and Brian for Texas State's homecoming. Nini (Cindy, Michael's mom) came and watched the girls so we could kinda come and go on Saturday for homecoming and for a night out on the big town of New Braunfels. It was so good to be able to let loose a little and enjoy each other's company without everything baby. We were very grateful to Nini for helping out and I'm sure she didn't mind spending time with the girls either ;)
Michael and I also got to attend Wurstfest (German festival here in NB) a few nights thanks to Megan staying on shift a little later than normal. Again it was nice to get away and enjoy our German heritage with lots of beer, great food, and music!
Me and Hanna (neighbor) and not sure who the kid is behind us, Hanna's old student maybe? |
I also had a girl's night in Austin this past Saturday. It was so great to get to catch up with some of my favorite girls and lots of laughs were had! Thanks Michael and Nini for letting me escape for a day and night...(it was my first night away from the girls..I missed them like crazy)
Casey and Heather |
Heather, Marti, Natalie, and me |
The Natalies! |
You all will be glad to know that we are on top of this Christmas card business this year. We had pictures taken this past Friday with a lady from Michael's networking group and hopefully we got some really good shots to make for a great Christmas card :) Check you mailboxes!
And I will leave you with this one last picture
This is my first confederate rose bush. My mom gave me a piece off of hers from last year and I planted it over the summer. It is finally blooming so pretty. My mom told me that these flowers remind her of my Nanny (her mother) because they begin bloom in October and that is the month she past away. This bush will forever remind me of her now. I miss you so much Nanny and I would have loved for you to be able to meet my angels, but I know you are watching over us and I hope you are so proud of me.
Until next time..... <3