It's Bluebonnet time!!
After preparing for the blog for two days I realized I should have done one sooner. There are so many pictures and videos! Bear with me and try not to get overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in this blog :)
Jamie and Russell had maternity pictures taken by the same girl that has taken the girl's pictures since they were born, Krista Goebel. We told her we wanted some with the girls in the pics so she asked if she could do a mini session with just the girls since they would already be there. :) Here are some of her masterpieces
Here are some of Jamie and Russell I took:
It was so much fun!! Thanks again Krista for doing an amazing job!!
ITS WEDDING SEASON!!! We have attended our first wedding of wedding season. Our friends Chase and Paige got married a few weekends ago in Richmond so we went to Columbus one night and then the next night my mom watched the girls while we went to their beautiful wedding! Congrats you two!!
At my moms before the wedding, I was a slacked and didn't take any pictures at the wedding :/ |
While we were gone my mom's cousin Nancy came to visit on her way to Warrington. My mom gave me pics to share. Sorry we missed you Nancy! Please come visit again soon and bring Jill!
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Jax and Nancy and Kai and Cece |
For Easter weekend we decided to have my mom up to help us pick out plants and do some landscaping in the back yard. This unfortunately meant that we wouldn't be with my sister, Russell or Bobby for Easter like we are most years. This was the only available weekend for us and we wanted to make sure it was not around the time Jamie would give birth. So we asked our family friend Jessica if she would loan us her son to dig up some grass for a huge flowerbed. He is trying to raise money to go to Spain so he was excited to do it (which was great because Michael and I were not excited to that part of the landscaping). Jonis did a great job and we loved the time we had to visit with him and Jessica!
finished for now |
We still have more to do but we are extremely happy with how it turned out. I will take a pic this time next year so you can see the progress the plants made!
Easter Sunday we invited Jessica and Jonis to church and to spend the rest of the day with us. We had a great time visiting, eating, counting our blessings, and finishing up the yard. Thanks again Jessica and Jonis, ya'll really made our Easter special and thank you Mom for coming to help and spending Easter with us! We love you and appreciate you so much!
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The Easter bunny was good to them :) |
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Easter mass wore Kairyn out.. <3 |
The girls got to "swim" while we worked hard |
Jaxyn |
What a great kid. He does landscaping and is good with babies :) |
haha Jax wasn't amused with the bunny |
An attempt at a family photo which we all didn't want Jessica to take b/c look at I am so glad you did Jess |
Jax and Jonis |
Jessica and Kai |
Jonis and Kai |
Happy Cece with Kai love love this pic! |
This also happened on Easter...the girls were being so silly after being in their little pool :) Its so fun to see them interact with one another.
We hadn't seen our family in the Dallas Fort Worth area since Christmas so we thought it was time to take a little road trip! We left after breakfast on Friday morning and headed to my Dad and Barbara's in Azel, TX. They were so excited to see the girls and couldn't believe how much they had grown. We ate some of Dad's wonderful cooking that night and even had some friends over to play dominoes. They taught Michael and I how to play 88 and we had a blast! The women won of course so I had a little more fun :-P The next morning we ate breakfast, taught the girls some dominoes, and said our goodbyes that included "see you soon, when Jamie has her baby!"
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Babs teaching Kai the ropes |
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Grandpops and Jax.. He was giving her ice to suck on and she was loving it! |
Playing on the touchpad :) |
Next stop was Flowermound! We were met with huge smiles at the truck by the women of the house (Louann, Amalie, and Mary). To say they were stoked to see the girls is an understatement. Michael's dad Alan was still asleep from the shift he worked, but woke shortly to all of us in his kitchen. It was so pretty that day. We sat outside and enjoyed the sunshine and much needed family time. We headed to church that night and then hung out the rest of the evening. The next morning we all took the girls on a walk and then sadly enough had to pack up and leave after the girl's lunch. We all kept in mind that we would see them again very soon when they came to NB in June :)
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They love their aunts! Amalie and Jaxyn (?) and Mary and Kairyn (?) |
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The girls make themselves at home quickly ;) |
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Father son moment lol |
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morning stroll around Flowermound, Kai on the left and Jax on the right |
On our way home we stopped in Austin to see some more family!! We got to spend some time with Michael's aunt Ronda and Uncle LJ!! It was a short visit but we were all happy we could stop and catch up for a couple of hours! Love ya'll!
9 months old!!
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Yep these are getting harder to take |
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Dad is soooo funny! |
Our little angel babies turned 9 months old this month! We can not believe how big they have gotten! They are soooo much fun! Their personalities are starting to show big time. They are sitting up very well and are on the move constantly. They haven't perfected the crawl but that does not keep them from getting where they want to go. They hold their bottles by themselves which turns into more playing then anything else.
They love love love to laugh! They love to laugh at Dad the most. He walks into the room and they look at him and smile real big.
Their favorite game is peekaboo. They will be in mid cry and you can hide and say peekaboo and they can't help but laugh.
They have started to "pick on" each other. They are discovering that sister has hair and usually a bow and they want all of it in their hands, not to mention each other's pacifiers. I have walked in from the kitchen a few times and saw one of them yelling for help because the other one had her pinned down.
Schedule wise they are pretty much doing the same thing. We have tried some new foods and even gave them some spaghetti we were having the other night but that didn't go over so well. We have figured out that they will have to get use to anything with flavor because they are use to food with no seasoning at all. They are taking two naps during the day and eating real food with a bottle 3 times a day. They are going to sleep at 8 and we feed them around 7:30 in the morning. The best thing, when it comes to sleeping has been that we can put them in their crib wide awake and they will fall asleep within 5 minutes and when they wake up they do not cry. I guess they know that we will come get them eventually so they wake up and just talk and roll around until we get them. We like to think they are the best babies ever :) yes I am bragging and it wont be the last time ;)
They really like books. Kai will sit and listen and look and Jax tries to turn the page to see whats next. I'm a book lover myself so this makes me very happy!
Kai is funny with her mouth and sounds. Once she discovers she can do something with her mouth she will do it for at least 3 days non stop. I have a feeling once she starts talking she won't stop. Here is an example.
As you can tell we are enjoying them immensely and love to capture them on video. My mom told me the other day that they will one day look at all of these and say "really did you have to record everything we did and show the whole world?" To this I will reply "of course because ya'll were the cutest babies alive."
Here are some more pics of the best friends in action:
This house is divided.. Jax in the orange and Kai in maroon |
Kairyn says "look! Did you see that?" |
Best Friends for Life |
tired angels, Jax on the left and Kai on the right |
They love bath time! Kai on the left and Jax on the right |
Mom and I are working hard to teach these girls how to shop but this is how that turned out:
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Kai on the left and Jax on the right |
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They did well while it lasted. |
Oh and I can not forget our newest addition to the Hill family.....Kinsley Marie Cox, She was born on April 18th weighing 7 pounds 4 oz and 19 inches long. This is the second girl for my cousin Allison and her husband Dustin. Congratulations to the whole family!! I guessed it would be girl and what a blessing she is!
Thanks for loving us and our babies especially!! I will leave you with this last video. This is the new game we play after we eat :)
Much Love,
The Motls