Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kairyn Mae and Jaxyn Nicole have arrived!!!

They finally made their appearance!! Kairyn weighing 4.11 and Jaxyn weighing 4.10, both 17 1/2 inches long. We feel so blessed and are filled with a love we have never known!! Sorry it has taken some time to get on and update everyone on their arrival, but as you can imagine our lives have been a little different now and we are adjusting. The twins have already decided to take some steps off the beaten path starting with day one.

Here is the story of their birth:
   On July 20th Natalie had a regular doctors visit where they discovered high blood pressure and even more fluid retention. The doctor decided to go ahead and induce labor before things got much worse. We checked into the hospital and started calling family members to inform them that our new additions would be arriving today.
   Soon after the nurses started an IV and began the Pitocin to start contractions and the doctor broke Natalie's water. The contractions came on strong and the mood in the room changed quickly. Natalie was having contractions every 60 to 90 seconds and was dilating steadily. Natalie felt as if she was not getting enough rest in between contractions so she asked for an epidural to help with the pain and to slow her fatigue. Life was a lot better for Natalie after having received the epidural and things were still progressing. An hour or two later Natalie was fully dilated and was ready to start pushing. After about an hour of pushing the doctor arrived and we were ready to go to the OR to deliver (with multiple births they always have you deliver in an operating room just in case). Pushing continued in the OR for another 15-20 minutes and Kairyn finally arrived at 8:48 p.m.
   This is where it gets a little tricky..... Natalie stopped having regular contractions after Kairyn was born and the doctor fully expected Jaxyn to fall down into place. This was not the case. Since the doctor couldn't feel her they decided to give Natalie more Pitocin to increase the contractions in hopes that Jaxyn would be moved down. So we played the waiting game except this time Natalie was no longer hooked up to the epideral and was feeling each contraction and even worse was feeling each time the doctor checked to see if he could feel Jaxyn. Since Jaxyn's heart rate was normal the doctor wanted to wait to see if she would move down on her own. 45 minutes later Jaxyn's heart beat started jumping and doctor decided that the best thing would be to deliver Jaxyn via C-section. Come to find out Jaxyn had the umbilical cord wrapped around her head and her shoulder which was not allowing her to move down. She arrived at 10:17 p.m.
    Both babies were healthy and we thanked God there were no further complications. Everything went accordingly the next two days in the hospital and the recovery process for Natalie was definitely a challenge.
    We were released to come home that following Saturday and came home to a clean, beautiful home thanks to Natalie's mom, sister, and Kendl and Brian.
    The next few days continued to be hard for Natalie and the night before her staples were to be removed she woke up feeling as if she had pressure on her chest and was having a hard time breathing. The next day as the nurse took her blood pressure before removing the staples she discovered that Natalie's BP was very high and the fluid on her legs had gotten worse instead of better. She also listened to her lungs and determined that their might have been fluid in her lungs.She asked Natalie to go see an on-call doctor since her doctor was out of town and that doctor re-admitted Natalie into the hospital. Michael and the girls loaded up and moved back into the hospital. After 3 days and two nights and many medicines to help rid Natalie of all the fluid the family headed back home.

We are now back home as a family and Natalie is almost 100%. She lost 38 pounds in 1 week :-0 ...the doctor said he had never seen that much weight loss in that amount of time. We have been blessed with our family being here through all of this and many friends have visited and brought us gifts and food :-) We feel as if we are often surrounded by angels that God sent to help us along this journey and we couldn't have done it without the love and support of our wonderful friends and family. Enjoy some pics of the girls and stay tuned for more adventures with our beautiful miracles!

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